Friday, February 8, 2008

Under the Watchful Eye of Zeus

For those not familiar with Boogie, she is always on the go. She is the mover and the shaker. But when she crashes, she crashes hard, thus the name Boogie. Poor Boogs caught another cold last week about the time we returned from our little jaunt to Cadillac. The last couple of days she has been running a mild fever, which we've pretty much just let run its course. Today she woke up with a fever of 103 that only went down to about 101 with the aid of Tylenol. I took her to the doctor today fully expecting to hear that she had a sinus infection or something. Much to my amazement, she had an ear infection with perforation. I have to admit I was shocked. She never once complained about her ears hurting. Hopefully now she will be getting back to her movin' shakin' little self soon.

First indication that something was wrong...she fell asleep infront of the tv last night
(that very seldom happens)

This was her sleeping today after her appointment. Notice her body guard situated at her feet? He has barely left her side most of the day today...not even to chase the cat.

Zeus...the little dog with the BIG heart...the caretaker of the sick.

1 comment:

12-arrows said...

awe. . . poor little thing. You know when they are truly sick that they fall asleep watching TV! I sure hope she is on the mend soon! Love the pix with the dog "on guard". Adorable.