Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Stress Management 101

Today I was pondering some things with a friend. We were talking about stress. UGH! Such a nasty ugly thing. There are many verses in the Bible that speak to stress and worry, but internalizing those verses is so hard to do at times. I've blogged before about work and how slow it is...also about God's provision over the past year. I wish I could say that I have a handle on stress and worry, but I don't. There are many nights where my eyes just pop open and crazy thoughts run through my head. I try to focus on praying, experience some relief, only to have to get up and face the day, tired, because I woke myself up stressing. Then I'm stressed from stressing.

I do have to admit that I am getting better. I wake up and decide that I am not going to let things worry me and get me down. I copy scripture and leave it next to my computer, in my purse, in my car...wherever I am, so that I can pray the scripture back to the Lord. It really does help. The part that I can't figure out and the part that my friend and I were pondering...

When we take up the burdens of others or are presented with a stressful situation, how to we immediately go from stressful thought to prayer without internalizing the stress and feeling the effects? I have such a hard time making that transition in my mind. How do you cope?
  • I have to make the choice daily and minute by minute to not succumb to stress
  • I have to seek the Lord earnestly in prayer
  • I have to hide God's word in my heart and arm myself with the word

What are your stress coping mechanisms?


Julie said...

Unfortunately, I have no words of wisdom beyond what you've already shared. I think you're pretty much doing the best anyone can when it comes to stress and worry. You're trying to give God the wheel and let Him drive the situation.

I know it can be hard, especially for those of us who haven't known Christ our whole lives. But the key is that you are trying to keep God's word close to your heart, and He hears your cries!!

Like Amanda says, "God is good, ALL the time". She's right.

amanda said...

you pretty much nailed it...the verses I like best are the ones about this life being temporary and from ecclesiastes about "nothing new under the sun." there is something comforting in knowing others have experienced the same/similar things before...

Julie, you used my fav line...its true to always look for the good, it helps soo much... and its ALWAYS there...

sara said...

Well sister,
I really have no more words of wisdom for you than what has already been said, except it is not worth making your hair fall out, alopecia is real and it really stinks. Iodine and sweet oil to the rescue!

Tracy P. said...

Hi Destini! I stop in every once in awhile because I love your blog, and saw this after you posted it. No easy answers, girl, so no comment! But today I found Darnelle's blog because she wrote a devotional at the Christian Women Online blog. I thought the devotional might speak to you, and then what was on her blog seemed pretty fitting too.

You are doing all the right stuff, Destini, and these years of literally eating from God's hand are going to be such an anchor for you and your kids for the rest of your lives. You can't know how faithful He is until you have nothing else, but sometimes the process is no fun. You are doing GREAT at hanging in there. Blessings to you!