Thursday, June 26, 2008


In addition to being able to spend time with my dad on Father's Day was getting to see my nieces and nephews. We don't get to spend nearly enough time together.

My oldest niece has suddenly gone from being a sweet little baby to a beautiful young lady... I fed this one his first bottle in the hospital when he was born.
These 2 are the babies...
This one just keeps getting prettier every time I see her...look at those eyes!
Here's part of the gang!

This is my newest nephew. I got to meet him for the first time on Father's Day. Unfortunately, he wasn't as happy about meeting me.
You really need to start at the very bottom picture and scroll up to get the full effect of the pictures. I was trying to move them around, but for some reason my desktop won't let me. I didn't feel like getting the lap top out.
He went from smiling and sweet to red faced and angry in about 3 seconds!
Seeing these pictures, it really makes me realize how fast time is flying!


12-arrows said...

aweeeeeeeeeeee. they all are so cute and that baby and his expressions. Adorable!

sara said...

You took some beautiful pictures! Thanks for reminding me how old I am getting!

Julie said...

Getting together with loved ones is SO much fun!!!

Love your littlest nephew's ears...they are SO CUTE!! (And he is adorable even when he IS screaming his head off...LOL)