Friday, April 24, 2009

Upward Soccer

Last Saturday marked the beginning of a new season of Upward Soccer. This is the first year our church has offered the program. If you have never been involved in Upward Sports, it is an awesome program. For those children who are intimidated by not being good enough or who have been made the bench warmers by coaches who are looking only for a win, this program helps to redeem self-esteem, reward sportsmanship and win children to Jesus.

Big Brother kicked his first goal of the season this past Saturday.
Here he is in action!
Sissy...contemplating her next move

Defending the goal...
Very serious. I'll have you know she did run in the right direction (toward her goal) the whole entire game!
In her own words..."This picture is me not listening. I was getting the dirty off my socks."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Faith of a Child...

...Is priceless. This morning while sitting at my desk Boogie was watching her toonies on tv.
"Mommy, can you pray for me?"
Me: "Sure, what can I pray for?"
Boogie: "My tummy hurts."

I love the faith of children. It is a faith that is not tainted or tarnished by cynicism or skepticism. They believe God's word and trust in it completely. What an awesome example for me to follow.

Thank you Lord for the gift of children. Lord please help me to have a child-like faith that prompts me to seek you first for all things...and please help Boogie's tummy to feel better...amen.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pray for Stellan

Today sweet Stellan has his heart surgery...should be in now as I write. Please lift the Mckfamily in prayer today.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Signs of Spring

So I finally got the opportunity to get out the other day and mess with the new lens I got for Christmas. It has been such a long winter, I really have not taken many pictures. I got a little bit bored with pictures of snow! Don't get me wrong, they were pretty for the first month or two, but as winter dragged on and on, my inspiration waned. The warm weather we had the other day inspired me. Here are some signs of spring in my yard...

In a few weeks, this bud will give way to beautiful fragrant blossoms on my Crab-Apple Tree...These buds are the beginning of leaves. I've missed the leaves!These will be gorgeous peonies in a matter of a few weeks...I had to include the sky...a brilliant blue sky. Not one grey cloud. Not overcast. Not snowing. I like to call this one...Defiant.Determined...
Down right Adorable. Even when she is pouting.

You honestly didn't think I could stick to just the pictures of my yard and not put one single one of the kids in there did you?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Receiving Encouragement

I don't know about you, but do you ever have one of those moments when the phone rings and you see it is a call from the school? One of those moments when your heart immediately skips a beat and you find yourself suddenly nervous? Today it happened to me.

I was sitting here fiddling around and the phone rang. As soon as I saw it was the school, I went into panic mode. The kids were both fine when I dropped them off...was one of them sick? With great trepidation I answered the phone...

"Mrs. Baldwin?"

Me: "Yes...."

"Hi! This is Mrs. M***** from GCS."

Me: "Hi Mrs. M*****"

"I just wanted to call and tell you...(insert my racing heart here. She is the gym teacher. I had all sorts of scenarios running through my head. What was she wanting to tell me, Sissy got hurt in gym? My son failed to dodge in dodgeball?)...that your children are a great joy and blessing to me. They never give me any trouble and they both have the sweetest spirit. I appreciate the sacrifices you and your husband have made to send them here. It is very unusual for a boy your son's age to have the sweet spirit that your son has. I just wanted to let you know that because I don't usually get much of an opportunity to talk to parents."

I have to tell you, as soon as those words left her lips, I felt like a balloon that was blown up and being held between 2 fingers and suddenly released. All of the panic and fear aside, I was pretty speechless and again almost moved to tears.

Isn't it something when someone takes just a moment...our phone call lasted all of about 2 pass along an encouraging word? In an instant, she was able to touch my heart and make me feel so good, like I have truly done something right with God's children. There are so many days where these kids fight and argue over silly stuff. Over and over I feel as if I have failed somewhere. I just look to the heavens begging Calgon to take me away. Then I get a call from the school.

What a gift. I sit here again shaking my head in amazement at God. He knows our hearts, our thoughts and our needs. Just so happened I needed that encouragement today. I needed to know that the sacrifices we've made and continue to make to send our children to a private school are pleasing to God, that we've made the right choices with their schooling. I honestly cringe when I get the registration materials in the mail every year. I worry over how the bill is going to be paid. God does it every time. Not just a little, but all the way. All he wants me to do is to continue to believe and trust in Him.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Catching up

Our days have been full here lately, for which I am very thankful, but a little angry with myself for not carrying my camera around! During Spring (more like winter) Break I ended up with a cold. My first of the season. It made me remember why I hate being sick! There were a couple of days where my arms felt just to heavy to carry around. Thankfully that didn't last too terribly long.

Saturday we had our Easter Eggstravaganza at the church. My sister and her family were able to join us. Lots of junk food, lots of eggs, lots of people! Steve's parents came over Saturday night and stayed the night so they could attend our Sunday church service with us. After church we enjoyed our Easter dinner.

A new season of Upward Soccer is underway at our church. All 3 are playing this year, which should be fun. I helped Boogie's team out at practice Monday evening. It was sooo cold and windy that night. I swear that the wind was blowing Boogie off course as she was trying to run!

Tonight we have Awana, which is winding down here in the next few weeks. I heard some talk of Dakota having another practice Friday night for soccer, then all 3 have games on Saturday. I think Steve's parents may possibly be here again this weekend for Grandparent's Day at the school and to watch soccer on Saturday.

I am forever amazed at how quickly time seems to pass around here. I blinked and the month of April has nearly passed. My kids only have about 6 more Mondays until summer vacation.

In other news, I signed Boogie up for K-4 next year. She had her K-4 round up about 2 weeks ago. I am ashamed to admit that I got teary eyed and almost burst into a full bout of crying as I sat there in that K-4 room watching the things my baby will be doing next year. I have been in full-out denial of the fact she is old enough to start attending pre-school. Steve thought that I had lost my mind. Not my mind, just the last four years. I cannot figure out where they have gone!

As always, I stand amazed at the Lord and his provision in our lives. While so many are struggling with unemployment, He is still providing for our needs. Just last night I got a phone call from a potential customer. I sent an estimate to him back in July of last year for a little bit of work he needed done. He called last night to update the quote. It is amazing the people that the Lord sends along at just the right time. If I ever start to whine or sound ungrateful, please smack me and remind me of all the blessings the Lord has provided for us. Seriously! I find even when I am in the midst of being blessed, I have the audacity to complain.

I think we are all up to date for the moment. It is with a thankful heart that I wish you all a great day!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Big Brother's Sleep-over

Being the slacker mom that I am, we just had big brother's birthday party. We did have it planned a few weekends ago, but the kids were all sick and we had to cancel. We went to the community center in Lapeer to swim for a couple of hours, which was a blast! One of the highlights of the evening was opening a can of Flarp (noisy putty stuff). Let's just say, I thought the pizza had gotten the better of one of the party goers. The boys Flarped, shot each other with the nerf gun, built starwars, pirate and dump truck legos and played video games until crashing at about midnite.
I dare say they had a great time!

I really have to give thanks to God for my first born (all of them, really). He is becoming such a Godly young man. He has made some excellent choices in the friends he has made. It was so much fun watching & playing with his friends.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Building Bears

For Autum's 9th...yes, 9th birthday we went down to the Build-a-Bear workshop in Novi. We were able to bring a couple of friends from school and Autum's cousins for the day. We started out by picking out our bear, then bringing them back to the stuffing station. Our party leader Josh explains to the girls that they will be placing a heart inside of their bears.
They have to impart love, strength and wisdom to these bears.

Next order of business is to add some stuffin' to the bear...

...and a few bows for the ears
A view of the store...And our many thanks to Josh...our fearless party leader who braved all the girls!
No trip to the mall is complete without riding the less than 4 times.