Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Friendly Competition

I think "The Fever" has finally hit everyone in the house. One of the side effects of this fever is an increase in the flow of testosterone in the home. This said "Fever" has brought out a sense of competitiveness resulting in a contest of sorts.

The competitors....

Weighing in at an impressive....Naah, he'd kill me if I broadcasted his weight to the world...My handsome husband...yes, he is playing with the cat & no, the cat is not the other competitor, I had to recycle a photo from the other day. He hates it when I take his picture.

In the other corner we have Big Brother. He's been pulling back a bow for one season now. He
makes bales of straw all over the back yard quake with fear...The contest: Who can hold the bow back the longest.

Steven skillfully pulls back his bow...
Not to be outdone, Big Brother, too draws his bow. Notice the stern look of determination as he focuses in on a target...

Be Afraid...

So after a few minutes, fatigue and giggles set in.

C'mon Dad! My arm is killing me...

Is Big Brother losing his resolve and this contest?

Not this time! Just seconds after this shot, Dad got a cramp in his elbow and had to throw in the towel, leaving the big brother the winner of this contest!


Julie said...

So, can Big Brother fit through the doorways in your house this morning??? I'm sure he's got quite the inflated head now that he's beaten his dad...
Great post!!

Destini said...

I think at the time he was too busy tending to his shaky sore arm to enjoy the moment!

amanda said...

that's an awesome competition...I was just reading through parts of "The Way of the Wild Heart" and this is perfect example of a father telling his son, "You have what it takes" and the son earning it...

Don't you love those little encounters???

sara said...

That is so cute! I love the daddy vs. big boy contests. They are the sweetest.

12-arrows said...

I love to see fathers and sons enjoying the same sports; and added bonus is the time they are spending together. Great teachable moments.