Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me Monday

***The power went out last nite as I went to publish...So it is now Not me Tuesday...**
It has been a while since I participated in the Not Me Monday weekly purging of all the things I haven't done.
This week was pretty good. I had the opportunity to spend some alone time with my husband this past weekend. My sister graciously agreed to keep all the kids...the furry one included. We figured that this would be our only opportunity for a while to celebrate our upcoming anniversary...sooo.....

This weekend we did not get tickets to Pinks All Out at the Martin US 131 Drag Strip. I did not forget to wear sunscreen. I did not sit on bright reflective silver grandstands most of the day that did not fry my white freckly chicken skin to a crisp.

I wish I could say that I did not wear my sunglasses, so I will just say I do not look like a racoon right now (even still after 2 full days).

My knees are not bright red, nor is my chest.
I did not purposely take a shower today to avoid having to wash my face and hair.

I didn't threaten my husband with his life if he took a picture...take my word for it. I'm not the least bit burned.


Tracy P. said...

OUCH!!! I am totally not feeling your pain.

I'm going to Florida this weekend. I must remember sunscreen!

Destini said...

For the love of all things pain free...remember the sunscreen!

Julie said...

YIKES. Those kind of burns are awful!!

Next time you probably will remember the sunscreen, eh?